Curricular Overview

ModuleEinheit 1
Einheit 2Einheit 3
Familie und FreundeEinführungDas ZusammenseinFeiertage
This unit introduces the basics of German vocabulary and grammar. Students will learn how to introduce themselves and how to describe their families, friends, homes, and hobbies. Students will also learn fundamental German vocabulary, including the days of the week, colors, and the numbers 1 through 1000.This unit expands upon the lessons of the previous unit. Students will learn how to describe time spent with family and friends, and will learn about friendship, patchwork families, and the LGBT+ community within German-speaking culture. The grammar of this unit reviews previous grammar structures and introduces the present perfect and simple past tense.This unit introduces holidays and celebrations. Along with celebrating their birthdays, students will learn about notable cultural and national holidays. The grammar sections of this unit introduces passive and subordinate clauses.
Lektion 1sich vorstellenWhat is ß?
Conjugating verbs
Lektion 1Wiederholung: FamilieReview of verbs in the present tense
Review of composite words (Komposita)
Lektion 1Geburtstagecardinal numbers
Lektion 2zählen 1the verb “haben”
definite / indefinite articles
plural of nouns
Lektion 2Feiertage im Frühlingthe verb “werden”
Lektion 3Familiethe verb “haben”
personal pronouns
direct objects
regular verbs
Lektion 2Zusammensein mit der FamilieReview of irregular verbs in the present tense
Review of possessive adjectives (ein-words)
Lektion 3Der 1. Maipassive voice
Lektion 4das Alphabetregular verbsLektion 4Sommerfeiertagepassive voice
Lektion 5zählen 2the verb “sein”Lektion 3Patchworkfamilienthe present perfect tense (das Perfekt)Lektion 5Herbstfeiertagepassive voice
Lektion 6Hobbysregular verbs
gern/nicht gern
Lektion 4Zusammensein mit FreundInnenthe present perfect tense (das Perfekt)
the simple past of haben, sein, werden
Lektion 7Farbenpossessive adjectivesLektion 5Freundschaftder-words
Lektion 8Personen beschreibenpossessive adjectivesLektion 6Freunde und Bekannteder-words
review of possessive adjectives
review of case
Lektion 9FreundeverbsLektion 7Vienna Pridereview of case
review of possessive adjectives (ein-words)
Lektion 10Studiumverbs
days of the week
Einkaufen und EssenEinführungKörper, Garten und GesundheitKochen und Gastronomie
This unit introduces all things shopping. Students will learn vocabulary related to food, clothing, and money, and will delve into the culture of German-speaking groceries, restaurants, and other businesses. The grammar of this unit pays particular attention to learning irregular and modal verbs.This unit focuses on the relationship between food, health, and the body. Students will learn about dietary restrictions, German gardens, organic and eco-friendly food, and medicine. The grammar of this unit reviews previous grammar structures and introduces conjunctions and wo-/da- words.This unit explores food preparation and eating together. Students will learn about setting the table, planning picnics, preparing meals, and working in the food industry. Grammar sections will expand on previously introduced structures, including two-way prepositions, the imperative, and negation.
Lektion 1Geschäfte und der MarktKompositaLektion 1Nicht alles ist verträglichAccusative preposition
Wo- and Da-Wörter
Lektion 1Tischlein, deck dich!review of two-way prepositions and accompanying verbs, review of compound nouns
Lektion 2KleidungIrregular verbs: tragen, sehen
Plural forms
Lektion 2Warum man isst, wie man isst ConjunctionsLektion 2Ein Picknick im Grünen
Lektion 3EssenRegular and irregular verbs: geben, essen
Negation: kein
Lektion 3Vom Garten zum MundReview of conjunctions
Review of Dative
Lektion 4EinkaufsgewohnheitenModal verbs: mögen, wollen
Word order
Lektion 4Bio & ÖkoReview of dative verbs
Lektion 5Mahlzeiten und GerichteModal verbs: können, müssenLektion 5Für Körper und GesundheitReview of reflexive verbs and modal verbs
Lektion 6Im RestaurantModal verbs: sollen, dürfenLektion 6Nachhaltiges EinkaufenReview of comparative and superlative
Reisen und TransportReisen und UrlaubReisen für Bildung und BerufGrenzenlos Reisen
The unit introduces the basics of traveling in German-speaking countries and Europe. Students will learn how to navigate the city, use various modes of transportation, and how to find accommodations. Students will also learn the basics of European geography and country names. This unit’s grammar continues to expand on basic grammar structures, and introduces expressions of time, months, and ordinal numbers.This unit focuses on travel and why we do so. Students will learn why people travel for education and work – including study abroad, educational travel, business travel, and voluntourism. The grammar of this unit reviews conjunctions and adjective endings.In this unit we will look at the realities of travel using the perspectives from various topics including family, social equity, and the environment. We will also review a number of grammatical topics: case, prepositions, nominalized adjectives, past tense, and relative clauses.
Lektion 1Verkehrsmittelverbs with separable prefixes
Review: present tense
Lektion 1Warum reisen Sie?unterordnende Konjunktionen (weil)
Imperfekt (Modalverben)
Lektion 1grüne Alternativereview of case
Lektion 2Am Bahnhofexpressions of time
question words: wohin, wie, wann, wo
Lektion 2Reisen und soziales Engagementunterordnende Konjunktionen (als, wenn)
Imperfekt (schwache Verben)
Lektion 2Ökotourismusreview of prepositions
Lektion 3Reiseartenreview: adjectives
review: modal verbs
Lektion 3AuslandsstudiumImperfekt (starke und gemischte Verben)Lektion 3LGBTQIA* Reisennominalized adjectives
Lektion 4Unterkunftcomparative
dative prepositions (bei/in)
Lektion 4SprachreisenAdjektivendungen (Nominativ)Lektion 4Reisen mit der Familiereview of relative clauses, review of past tense
Lektion 5Sehenswürdigketentwo-way prepositions (dative)
word order (V2)
Lektion 5BerufsreisenAdjektivendungen (Akkusativ)
Lektion 6Reisetourenmonths and ordinal numbersLektion 6Reisen und ErinnernAdjektivendungen (Dativ)
Ort: In der Stadt und auf dem LandWohnenZusammen wohnenSozial wohnen
This unit introduces German living. Students will learn how to describe the rooms, furniture, and chores of their homes. They will also learn the different kinds of housing, and how to describe the moving process. The grammar of this unit focuses on prepositions and how they relate to case.This unit expands upon the home and how people live with one another. Students will learn how to describe where they live, with whom they live, home maintenance, and the moving process. The grammar sections of this unit reviews previous structures and introduces relative clauses and TMP.This unit expands upon community and how we live with one another. Students will learn about neighbors and memorials, as well as specific topics related to the city, such as city districts, navigation, and gentrification. The grammar sections of this unit review previous sections.
Lektion 1Mein LieblingszimmerReview of question words
Review of verbs
Lektion 1HeimatbeschreibungReview of two-way prepositions with dative
Review of comparative: gern/lieber
Lektion 1NachbarschaftReview of genitive
Lektion 2MöbelReview of prepositions
Two-way prepositions with dative
Lektion 2Familie und WohnenDative prepositionsLektion 2StadtviertelReview of two-way prepositions with dative
Lektion 3WohngebäudeTwo-way prepositions with dative
Direct and indirect objects
Lektion 3Eine WohngemeinschaftRelative pronouns and clausesLektion 3Wege beschreibenReview of two-way prepositions with accusative
Prepositions for giving directions: an/vorbei, gegenüber, entlang
Hin und her
Lektion 4WegeTwo-way prepositions with accusativeLektion 4Eine WG gründen und einrichtenReview perfect tense
Review separable prefix verbs
Lektion 4Denkmäler: Ort und ErinnerungReview of past tense (present perfect and imperfect/simple past)
Lektion 5UmziehenTwo-way prepositions with accusative
Review of accusative case
Lektion 5Umzug und MobilitätRelative clauses with prepositions
Lektion 6HausarbeitSeparable prefix verbs
Review of compound words
Lektion 6WohnortReview adjectives
Adjectives vs adverbs
TMP (Time, Manner, Place)
Umwelt und NachhaltigkeitStadt und NaturMenschen und die UmweltUmweltpolitik und Energiewende
This unit introduces all things nature. Students will learn the names of animals, plants, and different kinds of weather. Students will also learn about the relationships between wilderness, cities, and the climate. The grammar of this unit reviews previous structures and introduces the infinitive and its related forms.This unit introduces environmental sustainability. Students will learn about waste and recycling, environmental education, and organizations and careers within the larger movement. The grammar sections of this unit review previous structures and introduces Participle 1 and 2, and the genitive case.This unit expands on the topic of the environment and sustainability with a few specialized themes, while also working with both forms of the German subjunctive mood.
Lektion 1TiereTwo-way prepositionsLektion 1VerpackungenPartizip 1 & 2Lektion 1BienenSubjunctive II
Lektion 2PflanzenImperative formsLektion 2Recycling und RestmüllWechselpräpositionenLektion 2AtomunfälleSubjunctive I
Lektion 3WildnisImperative formsLektion 3BewegungenPartizip 1 & 2 wiederholenLektion 3Energiewendereview of subjunctive mood
Lektion 4StadtnaturZu, um… zu, modal verbs that use infinitive in EnglishLektion 4UmweltbildungPräpositionen
Lektion 5Wettercomparative/superlative
Lektion 5Berufe und NachhaltigkeitGenitiv und Genitivpräpositionen; Futur
Lektion 6KlimaParticiples (passive comprehension)Lektion 6Umweltfreundliches HandelnFutur
Sozial GerechtigkeitKörper und GesellschaftIdentität und VielfältigkeitInstitutionen und Strukturen
This unit introduces physical health and wellness. Students will learn how to describe the human body, their daily routines, illness, and fitness. Students will also learn about disability, accessibility, and gender in German-speaking cultures. The grammar of this unit reviews previous structures and covers gender in relation to grammar and pronouns in-depth.This unit introduces identity and diversity in German-speaking culture. Students will learn what contributes to one’s identity, such as where they come from, their family, their education, and work. Students will also learn about multiculturalism and immigration, both past and present, in Germany. The grammar sections of this unit review previous structures.This unit introduces German-speaking institutions and structures. Students will learn about educational, political, and bureaucratic systems, and how these systems can both benefit and discriminate against the people they serve. The grammar sections of this unit review previous structures.
Lektion 1Der KörperReflexive Pronouns
Verbs with Separable Prefixes
Lektion 1Wer ich bin und woher ich kommedas PerfektLektion 1Bildung und Beruf II[No specific grammar topic]
Lektion 2KrankheitDirect and Indirect Objects
Verbs with Dative Objects
Lektion 2MultikulturalismusGenitiv
Lektion 2Diskriminierung und BenachteiligungReview of Substantivierte Partizipien
Geschlechtsneutrale/Gendergerechte Formen
Lektion 3Gesundheit und WellnessCoordinating Conjunctions
Modal Verbs
Lektion 3Einwanderung/Auswanderung in der VergangenheitPlusquamperfekt
Lektion 3Behörden und BürokratieReview of Passiv
Lektion 4Behinderung und BarrierefreiheitImperativeLektion 4Einwanderung/Auswanderung heutePassiv
Lektion 5Geschlecht und GenderGrammatical Gender
Pronouns and Gender Neutral Pronouns
Gender and Plurals
Lektion 5Bildung und BerufRelativsätze und Relativpronomen