Lektion 2: Pflanzen


Lesen 1: Auszug aus Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Vor dem Lesen


Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre bei Projekt Gutenberg

Arbeit mit dem Lesen 1


Lesen 2: Hildegard von Bingen und Heilpflanzen



Vor dem Sprechen

Meine Lieblingspflanze.ย  Welche Pflanze ist Ihre Lieblingspflanze?ย  (Even if you donโ€™t particularly like plants, which one do you like best?ย  Now is a great time to look up the word for it!)ย  Ist Ihre Lieblingspflanze eine Pflanze, die man essen kann?ย  Riecht (smell) sie gut?ย  Hat sie schรถne Blumen?ย ย 


Fragen Sie alle Personen in Ihrem Klassenzimmer.ย  Was ist ihre/seine/xiere Lieblingspflanze?ย  Warum?ย  Wieviele sind Pflanzen, die man essen kann?ย  Wieviele sind Pflanzen, die gut riechen?ย  Wieviele haben schรถne Blumen?



German Imperative Forms: Imperativ

When you look around public spaces in countries where German is spoken, you will find plenty of signs that tell people how to behave. The Do’s and Don’ts are typically expressed in imperative or command forms. Signs and stickers often combine images and words and aim for quick, clear communication of essentials. Users typically understand levels of politeness and implied meanings — just think ofย  “Please do not park here!” versus “No parking!” In spoken discourse, context matters for how you address people (formal or familiar forms of address) and being polite never hurts. Add “Bitte”!

German has four forms in the Imperative:

  • du-form: used when addressing one person, whom you address with “du” because you know them well, they are your peers,
    they are your family members.
  • ihr-form: used when addressing several people, whom you address with “ihr”ย  for the same reasons you would use “du.”
  • Sie-form: used when addressing one or more people formally.
  • wir-form: used when you include yourself into the audience when you make a suggestion, as in “Let us do something.!”

The explanations, examples, and exercises below will help you learn how to handle subject-verb agreements for the four imperative forms.

Arbeit mit den Strukturen: Imperative Forms