Lektion 6: Hausarbeit


Hanna plant ihren Hausputz

drawn illustration of the head of Hanna


Am Ende des Semesters muss ich meine Wohnung putzen. Ganz wichtig sind das Bad und die Kรผche. Ich putze oft nach dem Kochen und dem Duschen, aber jetzt habe ich mehr Zeit und kann mehr und grรผndlicher putzen, weil ich nicht an die Uni muss. Ich will auch unter den Mรถbeln staubsaugen und endlich wieder mein Bรผcherregal und die Kommode im Wohnzimmer abstauben. Heute nachmittag gehe ich einkaufen, weil ich Putzmittel brauche.



In Hanna’s description of her plans for cleaning, you might not understand everything. But you can recognize the pieces of furniture and rooms to help you guess what and how she cleans.ย Putzen- to cleanย comes up in the text in various combination. Predict what the words mean.

Womit putzt man?

Here are some utensils for cleaning.


Was macht man beim Putzen?



Arbeiten Sie mit einer Partnerin/einem Partner und sprechen Sie รผber die Bilder unten: what type of cleaning happened or needs to happen in the images?




Hรถren 1: Britt

Arbeit mit dem Hรถren 1

What does Britt do daily, weekly, rarely? Was macht Britt jeden Tag, was putzt sie einmal in der Woche und was macht sie selten?


Britt und ihre Tochter wohnen zusammen. Was putzt sie?


At the end of the interview, Britt describes a process. There are certain terms which are typical for this type of genre. Brainstorm some words and ideas that you expect to encounter in this context.

Now listen to Britt’s description of her cleaning process one more time and answer the following questions.



icon reading "von Hand" with paper and pencil


Britt putzt ihr Klo nicht gern. Was putzen Sie gern? Und was putzen Sie nicht gern? Notieren Sie sich zwei Beispiele (examples) fรผr jede Kategorie.


Hรถren 2: Isolde

Arbeit mit dem Hรถren 2





Vor dem Sprechen

What do you do daily, weekly, and only infrequently in terms of cleaning? If you live with others, who does what? Jot down some ideas in chart form, as outlined below.

Was fรผr Hausarbeit machen Sie…

Wer macht das?
ichz.B. Geschirr spรผlenz.B. Wรคsche waschenz.B. Fenster putzen

Now expand: what supplies do you need to accomplish the cleaning chores that you outlined in the chart? Add the necessary supplies to your chart.


Imagine that you are moving in with 2-3 classmates.ย  Together with those people, make a plan for who is going to clean what, and how often. Take notes for a writing assignment!


Wer macht was? Imagine that you and your partner live together. You are trying to set up a schedule for cleaning. Decide who takes on what. Use the list below to make your decisions.

Bad putzen oder Kรผche putzen
kochen oder Geschirr spรผlen
abstauben oder einkaufen
staubsaugen oderย Boden putzen



Separable prefix verbs

In the last lesson, you worked with separable prefix verbs already. Here is a closer look at the meaning of high-frequency prefixes in the context of cleaning.

In the context ofย putzen,ย many of the verbs begin with ab- because it denotes the idea of removing something.
In English, this notion is expressed with the separable preposition off as in to dust off, to wash off.ย Often we specify the object (to wipe off the table), but sometimes people drop this extension, ending the expression with the preposition.

ab/stauben – to dust off
ab/trocknen – to dry off
ab/waschen – to wash off
ab/wischen – to wipe off

Auf-, too, is used with several verbs, introducing the meaning of clearing something up.

auf/heben – to pick up
auf/rรคumen – to clean up

Auf- can also carry the meaning of open(ing) versus close(ing), as inย die Tรผr aufmachenย orย das Fenster zumachen.

auf/machen – to open up
zu/machen – to close down

Some of the prefixes are transparent, such as sauber = clean and staub = dust. They are not used widely, but almost always in combination with the verbs below.

saubermachen – to clean
staubsaugen – to vacuum

Write a sentence with one of the verbs starting with ab-, with one of the verbs starting with auf-, and with staubsaugen or saubermachen.