Einheit 2: Zusammenfassung

Can-Do Statements

General ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intermediate-Low to Intermediate-Mid

  • I can exchange information in conversations on familiar topics and some researched topics, creating sentences and series of sentences and asking a variety of follow-up questions.
  • I can interact with others to meet my needs in a variety of familiar situations, creating sentences and series of sentences and asking a variety of follow-up questions.
  • I can exchange preferences, feelings, or opinions and provide basic advice on a variety of familiar topics, creating sentences and series of sentences and asking a variety of follow-up questions.
  • I can understand the main idea and key information in short straightforward informational and fictional texts and in short conversations.
  • In my own and other cultures I can make comparisons between products and practices to help me understand perspectives.
  • I can state my viewpoint about familiar topics and give some reasons to support it, using sentences and series of connected sentences.



  • I can read and write about topics such as friendship and family time, including the value of friendship and what qualities are important in a friend, how time is spent with family and friends, etc.
  • I can read and write short, personal texts about the situation of LGTBQ+ people in Austria and Germany.


  • I can understand conversations about time spent with family and friends and what activities people participate in with their family and friends.
  • I can participate in conversations about family and friends and free time, and narrate ways in which I spend my time with family and friends.
  • I can participate in conversations about the value of friendship and what qualities are important in a friend.


Intercultural Understanding

  • I can explain the difference between an acquaintance and a friend, and I understand how those definitions may differ from culture to culture.
  • I can compare and contrast how I spend time with my family with how some people in Germany and Austria spend time with their families.
  • I can discuss the Pride Celebration in Vienna and speak in general ways about the situation of LGTBQ+ people in Austria and Germany.




Thomas und Mia verbringen den Tag zusammen. Was machen sie?

picture story of two figures. Box 1 they have breakfast together. Box 2: they take the train. Box 3: they go for a hike in the woods, Box 4: they return home in the train. Box 5: they cook together. Box 6: they watch a film on the couch.


Weitere Fragen

  • Und was machen Sie gern mit Freund*innen? Beschreiben Sie einen Tag, den Sie mit anderen verbracht haben!
  • Wann kommt Ihre Familie zusammen? Was machen Sie oft mit der Familie?  Was machen Sie gern mit der Familie?



Work with Pictures

The following slideshow provides a visual overview of this Einheit. The photos are meant as prompts for speaking and writing activities and/or for assessment.