In dieser Lektion
Behaving in an environmentally friendly manner is a general expectation in most of the German-speaking world. The Germans are particularly concerned with behaving in ways that are friendly to the environment. This expectation exists on a personal level, on a national policy level, and on the international level.
Historically, Germany has had a number of environmental protection and/or conservation organizations. These organizations ranged from hunting groups concerned about the habitat for their chosen target to an organization dedicated to protecting song birds. In the late 20th century, the 1987 Enquête Commission on Preventive Measures to Protect the Earth’s Atmosphere laid key groundwork in the German government’s recognition of climate change both as scientific fact and policy, on the heels of the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.
Around the same time, Angela Merkel was earning her doctorate in quantum Chemistry in Berlin. She was the German chancellor at the time of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011 in Japan. That same year, Germany announced that it was ending nuclear power production, Atomausstieg in German, with a target date of 2020, although the target date has needed to be adjusted.
On an individual level, there is a clear expectation that people do what they can to protect the environment. Recycling is mandatory, and also expensive. Municipal collection of compostable waste is common. This has the goal of limiting the amount of waste that an individual generates. New home construction is expected to meet stringent energy conservation standards, as does renovation at a certain level.
If you’re interested in reading more about German environmental organizations, consider reading:
Markham, William T. Environmental Organizations in Modern Germany: Hardy Survivors in the Twentieth Century and Beyond. NED – New edition, 1 ed., Berghahn Books, 2008. JSTOR, Accessed 9 June 2020.
Schreiben Sie einen Text, in dem Sie beschreiben, ob und wie Sie umweltfreundlich handeln werden. Wiederholen Sie hier, wie man über die Zukunft spricht.
Wie werden Sie Verpackungen vermeiden?
Wie werden Sie mit Müll und Recycling umgehen?
Was werden Sie von Umweltbewegungen halten?
Welche Arten von Umweltbildung haben Sie gemacht, oder werden Sie machen?
Wollen Sie einen Beruf ausüben, der mit Umweltthemen zu tun hat? Was werden Sie machen?
Wie werden Sie die Umwelt mit Ihren Kaufentscheidungen unterstützen oder nicht?
die Acht, no pl
das Arbeitsverhältnis, -se
der Brennstoff, -e
die Haltung, -en
die Klimaerwärmung, -en
der Klimawandel, –
das Siegel, –
die Tierhaltung, -en
der Tierschutz, no pl
Adjektive und Adverbien
Andere nützliche Wörter und Phrasen
auf etwas Acht geben