Einheit 1: Stadt und Natur

Welcome to the first unit of “Environment and Sustainability!” This unit introduces all things nature. Students will learn the names of animals, plants, and different kinds of weather. Students will also learn about the relationships between wilderness, cities, and the climate. The grammar of this unit reviews previous structures and introduces the infinitive and its related forms.

Our learning goals include learning the names of animals and plants in urban environments and in nature. We will learn to describe and narrate about how humans, animals, and plants interact. Talking about the weather and hearing people share stories about their observations of changes in the climate over time is an important topic in this unit. We will remind ourselves to be mindful of the various and diverse needs of plants, animals, and people sharing the planet.

We will get to know four characters who keep us company on our journey of teaching and learning: Birgit, Thalia, Daniel und Sedar. Visit the main page of this module for additional information about these characters.


Lektion 1TiereReview of two-way prepositions, compound nouns, accusative case, verbs in present tense
Lektion 2PflanzenImperative forms
Lektion 3WildnisImperative forms
Lektion 4StadtnaturZu, um… zu, modal verbs that use infinitive in English
Lektion 5Wettercomparative/superlative
Lektion 6KlimaParticiples (passive comprehension)