Einheit 1: Zusammenfassung

Can-Do Statements

General ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intermediate Low

  • I can identify the main idea in short conversations.
  • I can request and provide information in conversations on familiar topics by creating simple sentences and asking appropriate follow-up questions.
  • I can interact with others to meet my basic needs in familiar situations by creating simple sentences and asking appropriate follow-up questions.
  • I can express, ask about, and react with some details to preferences, feelings, or opinions on familiar topics, by creating simple sentences and asking appropriate follow-up questions.

Writing and Speaking

  • I can identify and briefly describe various animals and where they can be found.
  • I can identify and briefly describe various plants and where they can be found.
  • I can discuss camping and nature in the city.
  • I talk/write about my experiences with nature in a simple way.
  • I can describe the weather and climate.

Reading and Listening

  • I can understand simple texts about nature (plants, animals, camping, nature encountered in the city).
  • I can understand simple texts about weather.
  • I can find information about nature in simple texts.
  • I can identify the main points in texts about climate change.

Review with Pictures

The following slideshows provide a visual overview of this Einheit. The photos are meant as prompts for speaking and writing activities or assessment.

Bildgeschichte: Im Waldkindergarten


  1. Look at each of the panels and note details. Do you understand what is happening? Could you give a brief summary?
  2. Generate a list of vocabulary to use for each panel. This will help with generating descriptions and narrations.
  3. Tell the story with as much detail as you can. Who is doing what, where, when, how?
  4. Create with language! Where could you add direct speech? How could you integrate emotions?
  5. How can you frame your story? How do you create an introduction and an end? What is the title?

Review of Strukturen

The following table gives you an overview of the grammatical and structural topics covered in this unit, along with links to go back and review and practices those elements of the German language.

Strukturen TopicLink(s) to explanations and activities in the LektionenLink(s) to explanations and activities in the Erweiterungen
Review of Two-Way PrepositionsLektion 1
Review of Compound NounsLektion 1 Erw
Review of Noun Classes and PluralsLektion 1 Erw
Lektion 2 Erw
Lektion 3 Erw
Review of Accusative CaseLektion 1 Erw
Review of Verbs in the Present TenseLektion 1 Erw
Lektion 3 Erw
Imperative FormLektion 2
Lektion 3
Lektion 2 Erw
Lektion 3 Erw
zu-Sätze and um/zu SätzeLektion 4Lektion 4 Erw
Past Tense (present perfect)–recognition onllyLektion 4
Review of Modal VerbsLektion 4 Erw
Verbs with Prepositional ComplementsLektion 4 Erw
Comparative and Superlative Forms of AdjectivesLektion 5