Lektion 2: Erweiterung


Vor dem Hรถren: Dachbegrรผnung

Dach- und Fassadenbegrรผnungย is the practice of planting and growing plants on the exterior surfaces of a building, whether it is the roof (Dach) or facade (Fassade) of the building in questions. These can range from simple to very elaborate. They are increasingly popular in Europe, due to their ability to mitigate some of the effects of climate change in large cities, where those effects are particularly extreme. Growing greenery on the exterior surfaces of buildings helps retain moisture, preventing localized flooding during times of heavy rain. The greenery also serves as a layer of protection against environmental forces, such as solar gain in the summer, or heat loss in the winter.

Look at the pictures below! What plants do you seeโ€”do your recognize any of them? On which surfaces do they grow?


Daniel, from Green City in Munich, Talks about the plants that can be used for Dach- und Fassadenbegrรผnung.



Arbeit mit dem Wortschatz: mehr zu Gรคrten und Pflanzen

Was sehen Sie hier? Kรถnnen Sie die Bilder beschreiben?



Let’s review and practice vocabulary – especially plurals!



Arbeit mit dem Schreiben: Uses of Imperative

The following exercises invite you to explore authentic materialsโ€”images of signs and stickers photographed in countries where German is spoken. By yourself or with a partner, think about the context for those forms of communication. Identify patterns. Practice frequently used patterns. Then adapt and integrate those patterns into your own speaking and writing practice.

Remember: the four imperative forms in German are the du-form, the ihr-form, the Sie-form, and the wir-form. The two informal forms (du and ihr) do not use personal pronouns, the formal (Sie) and the wir– form keep the pronouns.

Explore genres that frequently use suggestions, recommendations, commands, or requests. Create texts reflecting your understanding of the genre-specific language use.

Arbeit mit dem Schreiben: Suggested Topics and Genres

Select one or two of the possible writing activities that follow:

icon of a pencil and paper with the text "von Hand" to denote a pen and paper activity

  1. Write a poem of six lines (one line may be split) with a similar rhyme pattern to the excerpt by Goethe.
  2. Write a recipe for an herbal remedy like Hildegard of Bingen.
  3. Design 5 signs telling people to do or not do things that they should or should not do, like in the examples in the activity above.
  4. Provide a description and narration of your regular interactions with plants or about an exceptional encounter with a plant or plants.




der Baum, -ยจe
die Blume, -n
der Busch, -ยจe
der Efeu (no plural)
die Eiche, -n
die Flechte, -n
der Garten, – ยจ
der Gemeinschaftsgarten
der Nachbarschaftsgarten
der Stadtgarten
der Schrebergarten
der Ginkgobaum, -ยจe
der Kastanienbaum, -ยจe
das Laub (no plural)
das Moos, -e
die Pflanze, -n
die Rose, -n
der Wald, -ยจer
die Wiese, -n
die Zitrone, -n


sich festhalten

Adjectives and Adverbs
