Einheit 2: Zusammenfassung

What can I do?

Lektion 1

I can give reasons and basic explanations.
I can formulate complex sentences using “weil”.
I can summarize the information from an internet forum
I can make decisions about travel destinations
I can narrate past events using a combination of past tense forms.
I can write about my opinion using simple phrases.
I can summarize the information on a chart.

Lektion 2

I can read a simple travel blog entry and understand descriptions of a person’s daily life.
I can identify different forms of volunteer projects.
I can express my opinion using simple phrases.
I can narrate past events using the simple past.

Lektion 3

I can talk about other people’s study abroad experiences.
I can find information about study abroad options.
I can narrate past events using the simple past.
I can draw conclusions from information on a chart.

Lektion 4

I can describe nouns using attributive adjectives in the nominative case.
I can talk about different types of language learning courses abroad.
I can read a basic advertisement for a language program.

Lektion 5

I can describe things using attributive adjectives in the accusative case.
I can talk about business travel.
I can read a schedule and create a narrative for the information.
I can understand information on a chart and provide a narrative discussion of it.

Lektion 6

I can describe things using attributive adjectives in the dative case.
I can identify different types of memorials in German.
I can understand the major events of a traveler’s experience.
I can write simple descriptions of memorials and statues with attributive adjectives.



Felix, ein Studierender aus Österreich, hat gerade einen intensiven Sprachkurs in Paris abgeschlossen. Er schreibt an seinen Freund Elias und berichtet über seine Erlebnisse. Schreiben Sie eine Postkarte oder einen Brief aus Felix’ Perspektive. Wo war er in der Stadt? Was hat er gemacht? Was hat er besichtigt? Was hat er gegessen und getrunken?

7-panel drawing of a study-away memory in Paris. Frame one: student sitting in classroom with French flag on the wall dreaming of what follows. Frame 2: in a cafe with a croissant and coffee on the table. Frame 3: visiting the Louvre Museum. Frame 4: the Eiffel Tower. Frame 5: people playing the park at sunset. Frame 6: a sightseeing boat on the river Seine. Frame 7: hand holding a postcard from Paris.

