Einheit 1: Zusammenfassung


Can Do Statements

General ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intermediate Low

  • I can identify the main idea in short conversations.
  • I can request and provide information in conversations on familiar topics by creating simple sentences and asking appropriate follow-up questions.
  • I can interact with others to meet my basic needs in familiar situations by creating simple sentences and asking appropriate follow-up questions.
  • I can express, ask about, and react with some details to preferences, feelings, or opinions on familiar topics, by creating simple sentences and asking appropriate follow-up questions.



In my own and other cultures, I can …

  • describe food preferences at all meal times.
  • write and understand a shopping list in German.
  • identify food groups in German.
  • order food and drinks.
  • identify some typical products related to food and shopping.


In my own and other cultures, I can…

  • read a menu.
  • understand a basic conversation in stores and restaurants.
  • understand informational signs related to shopping habits.

Intercultural Understanding

  • I can identify some regional linguistic variations.
  • I have a general understanding of some cultural practices related to shopping, food, drinks, and eating out.


Review of Einheit 1

Ein Besuch im Restaurant

Benutzen Sie den Wortschatz und Strukturen von dieser Einheit und beschreiben Sie einen Besuch im Restaurant mit Freunden. Was essen und trinken Sie dort? Schreiben Sie einen Text (mit ca. 50-80 Wörtern).

Ein Picnic machen

Imagine you are having a picnic with friends. Describe what people wear, what they bring, what they like to eat and drink, and what additional things are present.

Use at least four of the following verbs: tragen, essen, trinken, geben (es gibt), nehmen, and bringen.

Support your narrative with one visual element. You can either draw or paint a picture yourself, take a photo, or find an image on the internet, in a magazine, in the newspaper, etc (don’t forget to include where you found it).


Adan wants to cooks dinner for a group of friends, but has not gone grocery shopping yet. Take a look at the panels and describe Adan’s trip to the grocery store.

Frame 1: Adan standing in front of a supermarket with a shopping list in his hand. Frame 2: Adan gets a cart and walks through the front door Frame 3: Adan in store in front of fruit and veggie stands inside supermarket Frame 4: Adan in store in front of bread section Frame 5: Adan in store in front of part of supermarket with dairy products Frame 6: Adan in store in front of beverage aisle Frame 7: Adan is headed to the cash register where he wants to pay Frame 8: Adan has a grocery cart full of colorful bags; he leaves the store with the cart full of bagged groceries; store in the background


Work with Pictures

Beschreiben Sie die Bilder und was Sie in diesen Bildern sehen.

Review of Strukturen

The following table gives you an overview of the grammatical and structural topics covered in this unit, along with links to go back and review and practices those elements of the German language.
Strukturen TopicLink(s) to explanations and activities in the LektionenLink(s) to explanations and activities in the Erweiterungen
Compound NounsLektion 1Lektion 1 Erw
Irregular VerbsLektion 2
Lektion 3
Lektion 3 (Sprechen)
Plural Forms of NounsLektion 2Lektion 2 Erw
Negation with “kein”Lektion 3
Modal VerbsLektion 4 (mögen, wollen)
Lektion 5 (können, müssen)
Lektion 6 (sollen, dürfen)
Lektion 4 Erw
Lektion 6 Erw
Word OrderLektion 4