Lektion 4: Erweiterung


Für eine Party einkaufen

This picture shows the shelves of a gourmet food store, which feature olives, sauces, other condiments, and a variety of wines.
In diesem Feinkostladen kann man Oliven, Soßen und verschiedene Weinsorten kaufen.

image of pencil and paper with the title "von Hand"Sie geben eine Party und müssen in den Supermarkt, das Weingeschäft und die Bäckerei gehen. Schreiben Sie einen Dialog, was Sie in diesen Geschäften kaufen und was Sie zu den Verkäufer*innen sagen.

You are hosting a party and you still have to go to the supermarket, the wine store, and the bakery to pick up a few items. Write a dialogue and include what you buy in these stores and what you say to the people working in these stores.



Modal Verbs

Arbeit mit den Strukturen

Schreiben Sie Antworten in vollständigen Sätzen auf die folgenden Fragen. Write answers to the following sentences in complete sentences.

image of pencil and paper with the title "von Hand"

  1. Was mögen Sie essen?
  2. Was mögen Sie trinken?
  3. Was wollen Sie heute Abend essen?
  4. Was wollen Sie diese Woche einkaufen?


As a reminder, here is a chart showing the forms of mögen and wollen:

singularmögen (to like)wollen (to want)pluralmögen (to like)wollen (to want)
sie / es / er
xier / they



… mehr zum Stoffsackerl

While these bags can be unicolored without any print, companies often use them for promotional purposes. More recently, “Stoffsackerl” have reached a certain cult status and are not simply utilitarian grocery bags anymore. They can be found in various stores and gift shops and display funny or socio-politically critical statements, art work, or iconic symbols, monuments, or people.

Arbeit mit der Kultur

Design your own “Stoffsackerl.” Think of a slogan or a phrase you want to include on your “Sackerl.”


This picture shows a vegetable stand at an outdoor market. Pictured are fresh cucumbers, eggplant, and other vegetables.
Ein Samstag in Wien: man kann frisches Gemüse auf dem Markt kaufen.


Jenseits der Supermärkte (Beyond the supermarkets): Flohmärkte, Samstagsmärkte und die Wursttheke…

Many cities offer a variety of open-air markets for shopping throughout the week, which are especially lively on Saturdays (though many are closed Sunday): examples include the Naschmarkt, Brunnenmarkt and Kutschermarkt in Vienna. In Berlin, several farmers’ markets are open two days a week, such as the markets on the Maybachufer or Winterfeldplatz. There are also numerous flea markets (Flohmärkte) where one can purchase used goods. In Berlin, some are even open Sunday, such as the flea markets at the Mauerpark and Boxhagenerplatz. Both are very popular with locals and tourists.

At markets or the deli (called the “Käsetheke” or “Wursttheke“), the price is determined by weight–typically by 100 grams. In contrast to the US, German-speaking Europe uses the metric system. Depending on what kind of food it is, one orders by grams (i.e. olives) or by kilograms (i.e. bread). In Austria, the unit “deka,” short for decagram (abbreviated as “dag”), or 10 grams, is frequently used at markets and cheese or meat delis: 10 deka = 100 grams.


Arbeit mit der Kultur

image of computerDo some research on one of these outdoor markets, flea markets, farmers’ markets, or Saturday markets to find out when it’s open, what one can buy there, and what the nearest public transportation stop is for getting there.





der Auflauf, -¨e (auch: Kartoffelauflauf)
der Bahnhof, -¨e
der Feiertag, -e
der Flohmarkt, -¨e
der Flughafen, -¨en
der Hunger, –
die Kreditkarte, -n
der Likör, -e
der Knödel, – (auch: Marillenknödel)
die Öffnungszeit, -en
der Rotwein, -e
das Sackerl, – (auch: Plastiksackerl, Stoffsackerl)
der Samstagmarkt, -¨e
der Spätkauf, –
die Sorte, -n
die Soße, -n
die Theke, -n
die Tüte, -n
der Weißwein, -e



mögen (subjunctive II: möchten)


Adjectives & Adverbs

gern (comparative: lieber)