Einheit 1: Zusammenfassung

Can-Do Statements

General ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Novice

  • I can introduce myself using practiced or memorized words and phrases, with the help of gestures or visuals.
  • I can identify memorized or familiar words when they are supported by gestures or visuals in informational texts.
  • I can provide information by answering a few simple questions on very familiar topics, using practiced or memorized words and phrases, with the help of gestures or visuals.
  • I can name very familiar people, places, and objects using practiced or memorized words and phrases, with the help of gestures or visuals.
  • I can express some basic needs, using practiced or memorized words and phrases, with the help of gestures or visuals.



  • I can respond to personal questions such as my name, age, or family in an online forum or simple form.
  • I can fill out an online form to provide my class schedule.
  • I can recognize names and titles in an email introduction.
  • I can recognize greetings and leave taking words in an email.
  • I can recognize salutation words in a business letter.



  • I can introduce myself when I meet people (my name, age, and where I live).
  • I can answer questions about who is in my family.
  • I can state some activities which I enjoy.
  • I can say my phone number and I can understand a cell phone number.
  • I can understand names and titles when speakers are introduced.
  • I can recognize when greetings and leave-taking are expressed.
  • I can state my physical or personality traits.



Benutzen Sie den Wortschatz und Strukturen von dieser Einheit und beschreiben Sie Lukas, seine Familie und seinen Tag. Schreiben Sie und/oder erzählen Sie die Geschichte!


Das ist Lukas:

Image of Lukas

Beschreiben Sie Lukas!

Lukas kommt aus Chemnitz und ist 18 Jahre alt. Er wohnt mit seiner Familie in der Henriettenstraße.

Hier sehen Sie Lukas’ Familienstammbaum:

Lukas's family tree

Beschreiben Sie seine Familie!


Bildgeschichte: Was macht Lukas heute mit seinem Freund Jan?

picture story of Lukas's day with Jan



Work with Pictures

The following slideshow provides a visual overview of this Einheit. The photos are meant as prompts for speaking and writing activities and/or for assessment.


Review of Strukturen

The following table gives you an overview of the grammatical and structural topics covered in this unit, along with links to go back and review and practices those elements of the German language.

Strukturen TopicLink(s) to explanations and activities in the LektionenLink(s) to explanations and activities in the Erweiterungen
What is ß?Lektion 1
Conjugating Verbs / regular verbsLektion 1
Lektion 3
Lektion 4
Lektion 6
Lektion 9
Lektion 1 Erw
Lektion 4 Erw
Lektion 9 Erw
The verb “haben”Lektion 2
Lektion 3
Lektion 2 Erw
Lektion 3 Erw
Lektion 4 Erw
Definite and indefinite articlesLektion 2Lektion 2 Erw
Plural forms of nounsLektion 2Lektion 2 Erw
Personal pronouns and du/ihr/SieLektion 3Lektion 3 Erw
Direct objectsLektion 3Lektion 3 Erw
Lektion 8 Erw
The verb “sein”Lektion 5Lektion 5 Erw
gern / nicht gernLektion 6Lektion 6 Erw
Possessive adjectivesLektion 7
Lektion 8
Lektion 7 Erw
Lektion 8 Erw
kennen vs wissenLektion 9 Erw
Days of the weekLektion 10Lektion 10 Erw